Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Offensive Cartoons Part 2

I got a couple of emails indicating that my cartoon just wasn't offensive enough. So I modified the cartoon slightly but included a few polarizing characters. Enjoy, but please riot responsibly.


Anonymous said...

I'm extremely offended and plan to burn your place of work. Liberace WAS a great piano player, you insensitive lout.

Anonymous said...

I have no affiliation with Hitler or the Pope, but I've been to the Liberace museum in Las Vegas. It smelled like my grandmother's closet. Which sucked. Much like Liberace himself.

Esther said...

I love it! Absurdity and idiocy hits home the hardest when someone uses absurdity to show that someone else is absurd and idiotic.

Tracy said...

Wait a I an idiot or am I absurd? - Don't answer that.

Craig said...

Ha! Great stuff. The more I look at it, the funnier it gets.

For your next ouevre, may I suggest depicting Cheney as the devil, with shotguns akimbo, firing on the White House press corps? :-)

PlatinumGirl said...

It's funny how the middle Easterners' solution to everything is "someone must die." I mean really -- they should be extinct right now just from all the time, energy and effort they put into killing one another.