Friday, August 22, 2008


Wow, Biden for VP. He's a mainstream, blue collar Roman Catholic, articulate and's like a dream come true, man.

I like Biden but I'm betting Obama will regret this choice.


Mr. Evil said...

All Obama did with this choice is guarantee he will get shot. If he had any brains at all he would have chosen Gary Coleman to be his VP. It would have been a good form of life insurance. Now he has all the white supremacists, southern hicks and Catholics who will all have him in their crosshairs. At least we won't have a President as bad as our worthless cunt governor.

Tracy said...

That's analysis you won't see on other blogs...likely.

I do agree with you that President Coleman would be better than Governor Gregoire.

Gino said...

gary coleman is a nice guy with a smart sense of humor.

i'd vote for him at the top of any ticket.

Anonymous said...

mr evil you have such a way with words.....

Anonymous said...

Whatchoo talkin' about Obama?